Growing Information for Tayberry Plants:
Plant your tayberry bush in full sun or semi-shade. It is cold-hardy and can tolerate low temperatures in winter.
This bramble requires a trellis or fence to grow on. Give each bush about 2.5 metres of space around it to grow easily.
The ultimate soil combination for your Tayberry Plant
Berry Mix
Volcanic Rock Dust
Pine Bark Mulch
Submerge the pot in water for 10 minutes before transplanting
We stock volcanic rock dust containing trace elements and organic minerals to boost your soil’s health and increase essential micro-organisms.
Give your plant a good soaking every 2 to 3 days, if there has been no rain.
Organic pine-bark mulch will maintain a slightly acidic soil. Keep the mulch 15 to 20 centimetres away from the bush’s stem.
Prune your tayberry lightly in winter, focusing on removing the dead and diseased canes.
Use our slow-release, organic fertiliser every 4-5 motnhs. (only 1 teaspoon required)
Pick the berry with its stalk. It’s ready to pick when it gives under a little pressure and has achieved full colour.