For extra winter chilling, apple trees should be planted in full sun, with 6 to 8 hours of sunshine, preferably on the south side of the property. If growing your tree in containers, consider moving it outdoors during winter. Use at least a 50L container if not planting directly into the soil.
Due to the rootstock used, the tree can grow up to 3 metres high with a width of 1 metre wide. This makes it an ideal tree for any garden.
Soil type
This tree will grow well in well-drained soil with a pH of 5.8 to 7. The soil needs to be fertile and moisture retentive. Use good potting soil and compost mix, leaving 10-15cm of roots.
Apply a good layer of mulch of about 7-8 centimetres around the base of the tree. This will help keep the soil moist.
Ensure not to overwater your tree, especially if grown in a container. Watering once or twice a week will be completely sufficient. You might water more during the summer when fruit is on the tree, especially during prolonged dry periods.
Fertilise using a nitrogen fertiliser and good compost. Use our slow-release nitrogen-rich all plant fertiliser. Apply 1 teaspoon every 4-5 months.
Superfrass is a natural high quality organic growth enhancer and pesticide. Packed with macro-elements (N, P, K) and micro-nutrients (Zn, Cu, etc.), which enable your plants to grow robustly.
This is usually done during winter when the tree is dormant. Prune the same as you would do a full-size fruit tree, removing damaged or diseased branches and ones that grow to the centre of the tree.
Dwarf trees use rootstock with a very small root system as they will need support, especially during fruiting. Tying them to a stake in order to secure the rootstock is deemed necessary.
Self-fertile but will perform better with a different variety. Cross pollinate with any other variety.