Just Berry Plants

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How our Berry Plants are Grown

The micro propagation and cultivation of our berries is expensive, but at the end of the day you are purchasing healthy, organic plants that will bear fruit for years to come.
For this reason, it is essential to read and follow the information given, before planting a berry plant, as they will flourish under the correct conditions.

Disease free – Treated and cured of any diseases or fungi before propagation. Through experimentation by our farmers, different growing mediums make a difference to the health and life of the plants. Before propagating the plants; different effective micro-organisms are added to the soil medium to help fight pathogens, bacteria and fungi and to strengthen the root and cell system. After propagation, seedlings are planted into 19cm pots, raised in a tunnel for approximately 1-2 years, depending on the variety, with up to 85% humidity.

Planting – The root systems are well established and can be planted into the ground or a large pot of 50cm x 50cm deep. Historically most berries could only grow in colder climates, growing wild in England and Canada for instance.

Varieties – Many different varieties exist. Our varieties are self-pollinating. Cross-pollination of some of the plants by having two different varieties in your garden, will bear better quality larger fruit & a better yield. Initially plants will need a little attention until they are acclimatised, and the roots have settled.

Sunlight – Preferably morning sun, at least 7 hours of sunlight per day.

Roots – Root systems are fine and shallow. A good mulch is essential to keep the roots cool.

Watering – Roots are not to be water-logged. Once or twice a week. Summer: every second day.
Well-drained soil is necessary. Most berries are not very drought tolerant.

Mulch – Important to mulch with pine bark or green pine needles every 3-4 months. This will decompose into the soil and add much needed acidity.

Click to view our berry plants:

Blueberry Plugs

Blueberry Saplings                                          Established                        Blackberries

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